


Future-proof plastics

Preserving these valuable resources is necessary to meet the climate goals and ensure a better world. Central government sees the circular economy as essential to achieving the Paris climate goals. They have drawn up a programme to that end: “The Netherlands circular by 2050” and a transition agenda for plastics has emerged from this.

Themes include:

  • prevention of unnecessary material use and leakage of plastics into the environment;
  • more supply and demand for renewable plastics;
  • better user quality and greater environmental efficiency of recycled and renewable plastics;
  • strategic collaboration.

Action plans include:

  • more and better sorting;
  • use of recyclates;
  • chemical recycling;
  • bio-based plastics.

For operators in the packaging chain, a Plastic Packaging Material Sustainability Plan has already been drawn up for this purpose by the industry association NRK Verpakkingen and PlasticsEurope Nederland. This plan lists numerous measures that can be taken by players in the packaging chain to make packaged products and packaging materials more sustainable. For technical products, including the ‘durables’ we produce, much remains to be developed.

Circulaire economie essentieel voor behalen van klimaatdoelen van Parijs | Nieuwsbericht |

Nederland circulair in 2050 | Circulaire economie |

Klimaatbeleid | Klimaatverandering |

uitvoeringsprogramma-circulaire-economie.pdf (
